Friday, November 17, 2006

Jim Leach for UN Ambassador--Indeed!

I don't care who said it first, or when or where. "Leach for UN Ambassador" is absolutely the best idea in American politics today. My Nov. 8 call for drafting him for University of Iowa President included this caveat: "Of course, if I had my way, Jim would become our next US ambassador to the UN." Well, now that movement is off and running, and I still don't think it will happen, but I'm very pleased by all the talk - it's everywhere! - and I'm going to track it here. Go Jim go! - Dan Clark

Des Moines Register editorial: "Keep Leach working for Iowa, the nation: In academia or at U.N., he'd represent us well"
Jim Leach is too valuable to retire. President Bush or the state of Iowa should find a way to make use of his experience, intellect and talents. [...] If it comes to pass, sending Leach to the United Nations could be one of President Bush's best appointments. If it doesn't happen, Iowa should explore how best to continue Leach's service to his home state.

Muscatine Journal editorial: "Jim Leach as Mr. Ambassador? A worthy calling"
Within hours of the election defeat, Leach, 64, was suggested by Dan Clark of Muscatine and others across the state as a candidate for the vacant University of Iowa president’s position. [...] If Mr. Leach is willing, we encourage the Iowa congressional delegation to support him for the U.N. job. We expect the nation would be ably represented by his talents and dedication during this time of turbulent world affairs.

The Washington Note: "Jim Leach for UN Ambassador"
Actually, my pal Keith Porter wrote the suggestion to me -- and though I was already thinking it -- I need to give him credit for the nudge.

Bolton Watch: "Jim Leach - An Alternative to Bolton"
Amidst the chorus of calls for Bolton’s reappointment on the basis of the failsafe “If not him, then who?” argument, Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Congressman Jim Walsh (R-NY) have stepped forward to advocate a new nominee: former Congressman Jim Leech (R-IA).

The Washington Note: "Jim Leach Could be 'Confirmed Unanimously' by the Senate"
So far, after a jog along the mall today, Congressman Blumenauer ran into both Representatives Chris Shays (R-CT) and Jim Marshall (D-GA) who agreed on the spot to be the first co-signatories after Blumenauer and Walsh.
It's a good start.

"Dear Colleague" letter by Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Jim Walsh (R-NY):
"In the event that Ambassador Bolton's term is not extended, the United States cannot afford a gap in our representation and desperately needs a strong and positive direction in our multilateral diplomacy. [...] I urge you to join me in signing the attached letter to President Bush recommending his consideration of our friend and colleague Jim Leach as the next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations."

USA Today: "House lawmakers promote colleague for U.N. post"
"He clearly is flattered to be considered" as U.N. ambassador, said his chief of staff, Gregory Wierzynski. "As a former foreign service officer, it would be something of intense interest to him."

AP via Fox News: "Rep. Leach's Name Offered for U.N. Ambassador Post"
"I can't think of any American better qualified to represent our interests before the United Nations," said Rep. Jim Walsh, R-N.Y., who on Tuesday joined Blumenauer in circulating a letter in the House seeking support for Leach if the acting U.N. ambassador, John Bolton, is forced to resign.

Des Moines Register: "Leach mentioned as possible U.N. ambassador"
A push is on by some members of Congress to see Rep. Jim Leach, R-Ia., named as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. [...] The current ambassador is John Bolton, who has been fiercely opposed by Democrats. Bolton is now serving in a recess appointment, which means his term expires when the new Congress convenes in January.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Leach: "He's already got the sweater!"

Now in print: "Snatching victory from defeat: A bit of a movement is afoot to put defeated Congressman Jim Leach in the president's seat at the University of Iowa."

Bryon Houlgrave's story in tomorrow's Muscatine Journal says, "Clark has since gotten a response that brushes Leach off..." (apparently a reference to a couple e-mails I mentioned), but I'm actually getting thumbs-up encouragement from almost everyone who answers me. I won't post any of those comments without permission, but I welcome comments here.

See my previous "Leach for UI prexy" e-mail messages at - Dan Clark

Why not Jim Leach for UI prexy?

Why not? He's already got the sweater!

More to follow.