Re: Kerry, Mighty Hunter
(Oct. 21, 2004)
There's nothing trivial about the manhood of U.S. presidents, so it's a sad but true fact that Dems feel the need to communicate to gun owners on NRA's terms. Why, here in Muscatine just this morning, John Edwards made a point of praising hunting and fishing and "Second Amendment rights" (whatever that is). GW Bush has no need to prove his manhood 'cause everbody knows he's all about blue jeans and swagger and chainsaw and ranch. (Edwards suggested "outsourcing" him back to the ranch.) The phenomenon reminds me of the flap in Russia about Yeltsin bagging a bear. I don't remember if it was tied up or just conveniently cornered or stunned or what. Who cares? (Some of my relatives and good friends, just for starters. That's who.) --Dan
Along with the larger structural and ideological causes of the war in Vietnam, the experience, personality, and temperament of each president played a role in deepening the U.S. commitment. Dwight Eisenhower restrained U.S. involvement because, having commanded troops in battle, he doubted the United States could fight a land war in Southeast Asia. The youthful John Kennedy, on the other hand, felt he had to prove his resolve to the American people and his Communist adversaries, especially in the aftermath of several foreign policy blunders early in his administration. Lyndon Johnson saw the Vietnam War as a test of his mettle, as a Southerner and as a man. He exhorted his soldiers to "nail the coonskin to the wall" in Vietnam, likening victory to a successful hunting expedition.
At 7:25 PM -0500 10/21/04, Buster Blocker wrote:
Why lie over something so blessed trivial?
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